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Folic Acid for Hair Growth: Benefits and How to Use

If you're like most people, you want healthy, thick hair. And while there are many factors that contribute to healthy hair, one key player is folic acid. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin that's important for overall health, and it can also help promote hair to grow thicker and faster.

In this post, we'll take a look at how folic acid can benefit your hair, and we'll also explore some of the best ways to get more of this vital nutrient into your diet.

Read on to learn more about this important vitamin and how it can help you achieve the head of hair you've always wanted!

What is folic acid?

what is folic acid folate hair

Folic acid is a B vitamin that's also known as folate. This water-soluble nutrient helps produce and maintain new red blood cells – including those in your skin, nervous system and blood – and this, in turn, ensures that the right amount of oxygen and nutrients reach all of your tissues.

Folic acid also plays an important role in both hair health and hair growth.

It's especially beneficial for your scalp and hair follicles, which require more oxygen and nutrients than anywhere else in your body.

Is folic acid good for hair growth?

In order to grow healthy hair from the hair loss phase, it's important to pay attention to your overall health at the red blood cells level. Folic acid in particular is a crucial part of this process because folic acid helps significantly increase blood flow and oxygen levels in your scalp and hair follicles.

In fact, when you don't have a sufficient level of folic acid in your diet, capillaries in your scalp can become damaged or blocked, which can cut off nutrient supply and lead to thinning hair.

Getting enough folic acid may help prevent these kinds of problems from occurring. And while many people get plenty of folic acid through their daily multivitamin supplements, not everyone does – so here are some great ways to get more of this vitamin in your diet.

Which foods contain folic acid?

folate folic acid in foods contain

Folic acid is found naturally in many healthy fortified foods, and one of the best ways to get it is through your diet. Some of the best sources include:

  • Asparagus: 100 grams contains 82.53 mcg
  • Avocado: 100 grams contains 48.19 mcg
  • Broccoli: 100 grams contains 96.98 mcg
  • Spinach: 100 grams contains 180 mcg
  • Lettuce, green leaf: 100 grams contains 55 mcg

How much folic acid should you take?

For most people, getting enough folic acid through their diet will be enough to maintain healthy hair. However, if you think you could benefit from taking a supplement or increasing your intake of these fortified foods, keep in mind that the recommended daily value is 400 mcg for both men and women

When taken at higher doses, folic acids can also help slow down thinning and balding in men and women alike. It's worth noting that some medications reduce the body's ability to absorb nutrients like folic acid – so if you're thinking of adding a supplement into your routine, talk with your doctor first about possible drug interactions.

And finally, remember that no one food choice alone is going to ensure adequate folic acid levels in your body. You can get all of the health benefits that this nutrient offers by rotating your foods, which ensures you get a wide variety of different nutrients on a daily basis.


natural hair loss supplement vitamin


Benefits of folic acid for hair growth

Folic acid is an essential component of our bodies. When we get the advised daily intake, folic acid may have amazing effects on our hair. Following are the benefits of folic acid:

1. Prevents hair loss

By now you must know that if your body has a folic acid deficiency in certain nutrients, hair fall and other such problems will be seen. Folic acid is a nutrient that can help improve the rate of blood circulation on the scalp and reduce hair fall. It also gives shiny and strong hair.

2. Enhances hair growth

Folic acid is great for those who want their hairs to grow faster and stronger as it balances out the rate of cell production responsible for our hairs.

3. Prevent dandruff

If you are affected by dandruff problems regularly, then consider this treatment option seriously. Take folic acid each day because folic acid helps control sebum production which clogs pores leading to the formation of dandruff.

4. Control grey hair

Folic acid is also effective against greying of hairs as it can improve the melanin production in our bodies which controls the color of our hairs. Melanin gives darker color to our hairs and thus, folic acid can help keep your original hair color intact.

5. Treats hair loss due to iron deficiency

Iron or hemoglobin is a component of our blood and if there is a shortage in the level of hemoglobin, it can cause problems like low oxygen levels in body tissues which promote hair growth too.

6. Make hair thick and shiny

Folic acid is an essential component of cell generation in our bodies. If there is a deficiency of folic acid, you will face hair fall issues, and with that, the hair does not grow to its full length too. For long, healthy, and thick hairs, make sure to take folic acid supplements regularly.

7. Treats pernicious anemia which can lead to baldness

With age, there are various problems like heart diseases, etc so pernicious anemia which leads to baldness is also one of them. If you are facing any such trouble then ask your doctor about the dosage so that pernicious anemia can be treated at its roots itself!

8. Enhances circulation to the scalp

The most important reason for hair loss and greying is poor circulation. With folic acid, you can enhance your scalp's blood flow and maintain a healthy head of hair.

How to use folic acid for hair growth

Folic acid may taste gross but if you go through the benefits then you can consider adding these supplements into your daily routine. In order to use folic acid for hair growth, here are a few steps that you need to follow:

1. Folic acid and biotin for hair growth

Haircare supplements usually contain biotin. What does science have to say about it, though? While a few cases of biotin insufficiency have caused hair loss, there isn't enough evidence to suggest that it aids in hair growth. It may assist with the quality of your hair.

Hair and nails had improved quality in a study that showed biotin to be beneficial for hair and nail health when given to people with alopecia. People with alopecia were given biotin in the same study, which improved their condition.

While there isn't much evidence that folic acid and biotin help each other, they are frequently used in combination with vitamin B complex tablets. These vitamins are hair nutrients that will aid in the growth of your hair. Within a few months of beginning the supplementation, you should notice a significant difference in the quality of your hair.

2. Food sources of folate

If you're hesitant about supplements, consider looking to natural sources of the vitamin. You'll be eating cleaner meals like green leafy vegetables while avoiding undesirable supplement side effects.

Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin that occurs naturally in the food supply. Folate comes from folacin, which is present in rice and beans. Green leafy vegetables like spinach are high in folic acid, as are chilies, capsicum, broccoli, and French beans.

Bread, cereals, rice, pasta, flours, and other multigrain products are among the foods that have been fortified with this important mineral.

3. Folic acid and zinc for hair growth

Increased zinc intake has been shown to stimulate hair development in individuals with a zinc deficiency. Pyrithione zinc treatment resulted in improved hair growth. Before you start taking any supplements, however, you must first get a thorough diagnosis.

Zinc is found in a number of foods, including beef, fish, shellfish (particularly oysters), soybeans, beans, and peas. Nuts, spinach, chickpeas, sweet potatoes are all excellent natural dietary supplements sources of zinc.

What to look for in a folic acid supplement

supplement folic acid for hair growth health loss

While folic acid is important for hair development, it isn't the only vitamin or supplement that benefits both your hair and skin.

It's best to get hair-boosting supplements that include additional hair-growing components such as B complex, vitamin B12, and biotin.

Combining the advantages of folic acid with other key B vitamins might help promote the general health of your locks.

Noophoric Hair+ is a natural hair growth formula that includes folic acid as well as many other beneficial hair growth vitamins.

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The information on mynoophoric.com is for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice. Readers should not rely on this information as advice to make health decisions. Noophoric is not responsible for any possible health consequences from any person following information that is presented on this website. Readers should consult with their physician before making changes to diet, nutrition, supplementation, medication or lifestyle.